Freedom for Ranu Muda and LUIS is a Sign of Allah Intervention

Freedom for Ranu Muda and LUIS is a Sign of Allah Intervention

SUKOHARJO ( Syariah (JAS) Jamaah spokesman, Ustadz Abdul Rochim Ba’asyir is grateful for the freedom gained by LUIS leaders and journalists of Ranu Muda. According to him, this is a form of help from Allah, as written in th words of the of Ali Imran verse 160.

“Thank God we are grateful fo there freedom. If you are helped by God then nothing can overcome you.Since the beginning, ‘with’ the arrest of friends being thrown into prison, a feeling thick with political agenda, Until without suprise even lawyers are not actually able to ensure freedom, “he told at Baitussalam Mosque, Cemani, Wednesday (31/05/2017).

The man who is hailed by this ustadz Iim said that the courage of judges to make disions according to the law is a triumphal form of Allahs will, and this proves that they are innocent and do not do damage to the Social Kitchen.

“Although help came from the courage of judges with this verdict, in accordance to the procedure process, then this is what we consider to be a victory from God,” he said.

Ustadz Iim added, the month of Ramadan always brings blessings for the Muslims, especially for people who believe that are being tyrannized.

“Ramadan always brings victory to the Muslims. Today we see it, and we are very happy with this news, “he concluded.

As reported earlier, the panel of Justice of the District Court (PN) of Semarang, sentenced the LUIS and Journalists Ranu Muda to freedom and not guilty of vandalizing Social Kitchen cafes.

Reporter: Arie Ristyan

Translator: Taznim
