Pulpit Shari’ah: Ahok Attitude Toward Kiai Ma’ruf Does Not Reflect His Love for the Homeland

Pulpit Shari’ah: Ahok Attitude Toward Kiai Ma’ruf Does Not Reflect His Love for the Homeland

SURABAYA (Jurnalislam.com) – In response to BTP alias Ahok, the defendant charged with blasphemy disgraceful behavior, against the Chairman of the MUI, KH Ma’ruf Amin, Chairman of the Islamic Mimbar, Ustaz Hamzah Baya said the action is very inappropriate done by people who claim to love his Homeland.

“This country apply ethical manners, etiquette and morality in respect to older people, to a figure and a scholar who participated in keeping this country to become baldatun thoyyibatun wa rabbun ghafur with religious values,” he told Jurniscom on Saturday ( 04.02.2017).

According to him, Ahok actions reflect people who are very eager to do everything to achieve his ambitions.

“Reflection of a man will appear on his words and behavior, the public will judge who he really is from what he did,” he said.

He quoted a hadith, “including those of my people who do not glorify people who are older than us, love who are younger than us, and did not know the rights of a scholar”. [Ahmad: V / 323 and al-Hakim. Said ash-Shaykh al-Albaniy: Hasan]

Therefore, he criticized the attitude and will defend the clerk (ulama). “We did the defense to our scholars who have guide many people in implementing Islamic values,” he said.

Reporter: Yan Adytia
