Perppu Regarding CSOs Conflict with the Consitiution: UI Law Expert

Perppu Regarding CSOs Conflict with the Consitiution: UI Law Expert

JAKARTA ( – UI Faculty of Law Researcher Mustafa Fakhri considered that the issuance of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. RI. 2 year 2017 on Amendment to Law no. 17 of 2013 on Community Organization (Perppu Ormas) is a step back and contrary to the constitution of the 1945 Constitution.

“This is clearly contrary to the Indonesian Constitution which has given guarantee for freedom of association and assembly as one of universally recognized rights,” Mustafa Fakhri said in a release received by editor on Friday (14/7/2017).

In fact, according to Master graduated from Northwestern University School of Law, USA, the right to express verbal opinion and in writing is also one of the guaranteed constitutional rights since the independence of Indonesia.

“Therefore, if Perppu is allowed to live, then this” weapon “will not only turn off the CSOs that later become the hot issue, but also other entities initiated by the citizens, even including organizations that use Pancasila as the name of their organization” He concluded.

Translator: Taznim
